Intake of wrong foods can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels. This promotes inflammation, which may increase the risk of diabetes. Here is a list of common foods which people with diabetes or prediabetes should avoid:
1. Sugar Sweetened Beverages
Sodas and sweetened drinks are high in carbohydrates which increase the blood sugar. Their high fructose content leads to increased insulin resistance and an increased risk of obesity, belly fat, fatty liver, lower metabolic rate and other diseases. To help control blood sugar levels and prevent disease risk, one should consume water or unsweetened iced tea instead of sugary beverages.

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2. Trans Fats
When unsaturated fats are chemically altered to increase their stability, they are known as trans fats. They are found in peanut butter, spreads and frozen dinners in addition to being added to crackers and muffins to extend their shelf life. They are linked to increased inflammation, insulin resistance and belly fat, and lower ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels.
3. White Bread, Pasta and Rice
These foods are rich in carbohydrates yet low in fiber. This combination can result in high blood sugar levels. Alternatively, intake of high-fiber whole foods helps reduce blood sugar response.
4. Fruit Flavoured Yogurt
Fruit-flavoured yogurts are usually low in fat but high in sugar which can lead to higher blood sugar and insulin levels. Plain yogurt that contains no sugar is a better choice for diabetes control, weight control and overall health.
5. Sweetened Breakfast Cereals
Breakfast cereals are high in carbohydrates and low in protein. Most cereals are highly processed and contain little protein which helps one feel full and satisfied. On the other hand, a high-protein, low-carb breakfast is the best option for diabetes and appetite control.
6. Flavoured Coffee Drinks
These drinks are very high in liquid carbohydrates which may result in increased blood sugar levels. They also fail to provide satiation. Flavoured coffee drinks should be viewed as a liquid dessert rather than a healthy beverage. To keep blood sugar under control and prevent weight gain, choose plain coffee over these flavoured ones.
7. Packaged Snack Foods
Packaged snacks are highly processed foods that are made from refined flour and can quickly raise blood sugar levels. It is better to eat nuts instead of these snacks.
8. Fruit Juice
Unsweetened fruit juice contains at least as much sugar as sodas do and even unsweetened 100% fruit juice or those with added sugar. Its high fructose content can worsen insulin resistance, promote weight gain, obesity and increase the risk of heart disease. Drinking water is a better option.
9. French Fries
In addition to being high in carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels, French fries are fried in unhealthy oils that may promote inflammation and increase risk of heart disease and cancer.
Being aware of which types of foods one should avoid when one has diabetes can sometimes seem tough. But following a few guidelines, like eating right foods and exercising regularly, makes it easier making you healthy and reduce the risk of future health complications. Do also know your way around artificial sweeteners. Find out more about diabetes at
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